Eggs, Are You Confused?


Are they good or bad for you?

First eggs were good for you and then they were bad for you and now they are…?, oh, it is so confusing. Actually eggs are the same as they have always been with the exception of how some of them are mass produced. Until the past century, much of the population had chickens on their homestead or in their back yard or stable. We have gotten away from raising our own food and have become dependent on someone else to raise it for us, which has cost us control over what’s in our food. Many age old recipes have eggs in them, quiche, meatloaf, egg drop soup, breads, cakes, cookies, creme brĂ¼lee, custard, eggnog, just to name a few. And then there are the breakfast foods, bacon and eggs, green eggs and ham, omelettes, poached eggs, eggs benedict and many more. There are sauces and spreads, bearnaise, hollandaise, mayonnaise… The list of egg containing foods continues, much longer than you want to read or I write.

An egg is a whole food, a real food. It has everything needed to support the life of a chicken. Similarly to human babies in-utero, the egg absorbs chemicals, pesticides and metals that the adult chicken eats, thus the importance in buying organic free range eggs or having some chickens in your back yard. Eggs are an economical source of high quality protein. Protein is one of the three macro-nutrients that we utilize for fuel in our body and to build and repair muscles, tissues, skin and antibodies and many more. The other two macro-nutrients are fats and carbohydrates. Eggs also contain fats. The human brain is comprised of 60 percent fat and healthy fats are the perfect fuel for the brain. Eggs are a great source of choline, a precursor to phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, fat like molecules that make up much of the brain and acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.

Eggs are beneficial for our thyroid. They contain iodine which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. They also contain selenium which is necessary for thyroid hormone metabolism. Eggs contain lutein, an antioxidant which is found in concentrated form in the eyes and shown to decrease the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. They also contain vitamin D, which is helpful with mood, bone building, immune function and many other functions and tissues. Phosphorus and vitamin K are also players in bone building, vitamin B2 and B5 assist with energy production, and sleep and mood enhancing tryptophan are also contained in eggs.

Back to the question, are eggs good for you? I’ll have to quote one of my nursing instructors, “It depends.” Above, we discussed the many ways that eggs are good for you, however, eggs are one of the known allergens and not good for those who are sensitive, intolerant or allergic to them. Those with kidney issues have to exercise caution as to not overtax the kidneys due to the protein. Eggs do contain cholesterol and may increase cholesterol in select individuals. However, cholesterol is a necessary ingredient for producing many of our hormones including vitamin D and when we don’t have enough dietary cholesterol, our liver produces its own. Here is an article by Dr. Mercola with further information on eggs and cholesterol. If you unsure and would like to know if you have an allergy or sensitivity to eggs or other foods, I can provide an Alcat allergy test for you (learn more at I encourage you to keep in mind moderation and rotation, so, not too much and not all the time. The Alcat testing labs recommend waiting three days between a given food, in order to decrease the risk of developing sensitivity.

The next question is which is the healthiest way to prepare eggs. Some say raw, some say cooked. Dr. Mercola is a proponent of raw eggs. Below is an article he wrote on raw eggs vs. cooked eggs. I like to have them a little each way. I make smoothies with raw eggs from my back yard or soft poach the eggs, in order to preserve the integrity of the yolk. Here are a couple of egg recipes that I have created:

Chocolate Smoothie recipe: (serves 1)

2 organic free range eggs or backyard eggs
2-3 Tbs Navitas raw organic cacao (raw chocolate)
1 scoop Kal brand stevia extract (can substitute 1-2 Tbs real maple syrup)
2 Tbs organic heavy whipping cream (can substitute milk or coconut milk)
1/2 cup filtered water
1 tsp vanilla
optional 1-2 Tbs Chia seeds (for extra protein, omega 3’s and fiber)
optional 1-2 Tbs melted coconut oil (will become solid if drink is below 76 degrees)
optional 1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup frozen spinach
optional 2 drops medicinal grade peppermint essential oil

Combine all desired ingredients in your blending device (I use a magic bullet) and blend. Drink immediately, preferable to have in the morning as the cacao is a stimulant.

Quick Egg Salad with a Powerful Crunch: (Warm or Cold) Serves 3-4

6 organic free range eggs or backyard eggs (poached)
1-2 Tbs organic mayonnaise or homemade (will need to double if egg yolks are hard)
3 stalks organic celery (finely chopped), less if less crunch desired
2-4 Tbs minced onion ( if you dislike raw onions, can saute first or omit)
1 tsp red curry
1 tsp mustard
1/2 tsp celtic sea salt

Bring a 1 quart of water to boil, add a few drops of vinegar to water (to prevent the whites from separating) (don’t add salt as it caused the whites to dissolve), crack the eggs into a separate bowl and gently slide the eggs into the water, cook for 5 minutes (10 min. if you like hard yolks), remove with slotted spoon or drain the water, holding the eggs in the pan. Slice eggs into small pieces, add other ingredients and stir. Can be served warm or covered and refrigerated until cold. Can be added to a sandwich or a layer of greens or eaten alone.

If you or someone you know are struggling with losing weight or regaining/maintaining health, health coaching may be right for you. Feel free to share this article with those you think might benefit.

Holly Aaron BA, LMT, HTP, INHC

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